May 24, 2010

Spent a Little Money

AND IT FEELS GOOD. Gap is probably one of my favorite stores at the moment, and it was just my luck that I was able to find exactly what I've been looking for for the past 8 months--chukka boots. Originally I only wanted the standard issue type [camel suede, thin bottom] but when I set my eyes on these I just couldn't step away. These give off more of a summer vibe with the dark canvas and contrast sneaker type sole, but I'd imagine they'd be just fine when winter rolls around. AND ONLY 42 BONES.
I've been trying to find some decently priced tee shirts for quite some time now. Jcrew's just too expensive and Gap tees lose shape so those were no option. Lucky me, I found the new tee spot-- TARGET. And only 7 bucks? I bought 2 but I plan on having many more in my future.

Ladies love peach....and the gun show. 
I sometimes forget that you guys rarely get to see my face. We'll work on that, I can't let you forget me.


  1. Never seen ur face before lol

    You're cute!

  2. Those shoes are awesome and yes yes yes...come to Melbourne and party with me!

  3. haha, you are cute (:
    & now im going to gap cause i've been looking for some chukka boots for awhile now too !

  4. Those boots are hot.
    You're from FL?

  5. thanks err body, the compliments are appreciated.

    no superstarr im from CALI but i live in TEXAS at the current.

  6. really nice shoes! they are perfect for this summer! i also need to buy new (and cheap) shirts, i like the peach one! it's a nice color!

  7. Excellent buy Norman. A pick that versatile, is a pick that last for a while.

  8. those sneakers are really nice... and gap is de BEST!!! lol,,, u have nice eyes btw

  9. shoes are simply awesome!
    aww your adorable
