Jan 9, 2011

Do You Know Who Your Real Friends Are?

As you can tell by my absence, the winter break has been oh so good to me. Christiana and I banded together and decided to drive up to Killen to surprise Emil and the clique for New Years. We spent a good portion of the time watching Locked Up [or if you're 12 like we are, Licked Up] Raw and eating only the worst of foods, but when it was time to go out and rage we did so like it was was the last big party of the year [well technically it was]. We drove up to Austin to pick up ER from the the airport and even spent a few hours rippin up the town just to let everyone there know that we're cooler than them [valiant effort]. We were even going to get neck tattoos, I San FranKILLsco, and Emil KILLa K, but we decided that literature professors should have at least some degree of professionalism. 

The rager was pretty decent and we all had a good time, I even made out with a country singer, I think her name was Taylor Swift or something or the other....Ok, it was really just a girl who vaguely resembled Taylor Swift and we didn't exactly make out but if you're ever talking about me to someone who's unfamiliar just do me a solid and say I did all right? Preciate it. We took stupid amounts of photos so to make up for my lack of post these last few days I decided to expose a good number of the them to highlight the experience. Dudes probably aren't suppose to say this but I can promise you that there is absolutely no shame in my game: I LOVE MY FRIENDS.

Obey, among others by Homecourt Pizza. Almost lost it.

Taylor Swift and my great white Hope. That's a play on her first name....it's Hope, get it? *smiles enthusiastically

Just two bros dancing together, no homo

Of course I made a montage, what I look like?


  1. Looks like much fun. I love that Kanye song; I oftentimes wish that when I went out on the town, there was a live band following me around! :P

  2. looks like so much fun!! your blog rules; i've never seen such a cool one from houston (:

  3. awesome. seems like everyone i know had an epic december

  4. i like your blog , it's so simple but so much .. pictures look epic and fun
